First things First, I Will never Put the Doctrine of Christ behind a paywall. All my Religious Videos Will be free On and I want to build a community That will better one another and Unite in Truth. I will Post Subscriber Livestreams here, talk about the Occult, the government, and everything that the world at Large deems a No no lol. I will also Post and maybe Livestream My Workouts as I am a beginner and want other people to see what a beginner goes through to become Intermediate then advanced with ghetto rigged equipment so you guys can make low budget benches like my Cooler and pillow for a bench :P. I want to Promote Health and Great Foods that I will eat throughout the process. I want to do Gaming Livestreams with the community and Bring the Doctrine of Christ anyway I can! I won't Preach to you Unless you ask so feel free to join if you are not a Christian you will be welcomed. This is a way for me to Break away from the Corporate World and to start the process of working for myself and to Lay a foundation of a Great loving Community. its just me so My Grammar sucks lol I am not better than you or Holier than thou I am an x heroin addict trying to make his mark in this world.